Thursday, February 18, 2010

Canadian Proposal: A Love Story with Flowers

I want to tell you a story I heard several months ago ..
This is the couple comes together for 3 years man deals with the flower business, he importer, also deals with flowers, this is a very talented person really likes what he does .. Flowers are most of his life .. Great love .. It is about the profession by choice and happy every minute ...
His company hired a law firm and has no connection limits except her love for flowers.

Anyway .. After a period of three years they go out, spend guy (it would be easier to call him father of his girlfriend called the Fund) and the girl who now call them my father Fund, decided to go down to Eilat .. Karen did not know but my father had planned to go down on your knees and propose marriage to her in Eilat.
My father thought and consulted with many friends and friendship to propose how best to fund marriage ... At first he thought his style to propose to her with a bouquet of flowers but then his friends told him to leave that thing ... Do something different ... My father thought he thought he not the most agreed with his friends and eventually he decided he must do something close to the fund ...

They hosted a very prestigious hotel in Eilat, whose name they planned to keep the system off of 3 nights.
Any period before the decline of Eilat Foundation began developing a kind of feeling that something was going to happen in Eilat .. She had a feminine instinct told her "My father is going to offer you a marriage."

Well, they went down to Eilat .. Karen always had fears and worries when it's going to happen ... Every little thing she made sure to stress that he is going to offer now .. During the day my father did not do anything ... Fund started to panic ... "What is closed to him?", "Why is he waiting for?", "Maybe I'm just imagining he's not going to offer?" Such thoughts and many more ... Arrived this evening .. Then Karen said to herself "This evening is bound to happen" They kept hiding place in Eddie's "place on a level with excellent food .. Out, ate, spent good time, they had a very fun and my father did not say a word related to the wedding ... Returned to the hotel and still as if nothing was going to happen ... The next morning my father began to see the face of pressure and that fund is already beginning to develop thinking what the hell's going on here ....

At this point my father had already started to run his people ... And gave them orders to begin to organize the merchandise ... and make things, my father went to Karen Meanwhile lunch swim in the sea very nice place on the boardwalk ... When they returned to the hotel room and fund first entered the room and saw it filled with full but there were more than 5000 roses scattered throughout the room ... , All their round bed was filled with flowers ... Amazing flower arrangements ... Which was not seen in these parts .. Fund continued toward the bed and saw the bed of giant white flower .. Just a huge ... She picked it up and smelled the flower she brought him to me, she noticed that it amazing diamond ring ... Karen turned to my father ... My father who was kneeling position .. Asked Karen, "the woman you marry me?", Karen had tears in her eyes with excitement .. She also dropped a crucial nodding head and said "Yes my love .. marry you .. I'm yours forever .. love you until the end of the world ... You love life and I am so happy with you" .. You must assume what was the rest of the day ... Much love and love in the room ...

The happy couple did not wait long and after two months they were married and you can only imagine how the bride looks her bouquet ... Bridal bouquets was one of the things that he had to debate both knew in advance how he is going to look ...

I wish them all the good will always be happy.

Heart of Love: Listening

Listening from the Heart is the art and skill can learn it as a way of life. Many people have difficulty really listen to others. They might hear the words but they are not really with the world of Ben interlocutors. They mostly, with only their personal needs. This difficulty is one of the key factors affecting especially the relationship between people in general, and people in close relationships, employee-employer relations, colleagues, neighbors, friends, family, parents - children and spouses.

We all need a full listening of the other. Listening to this gives us back ourselves with the other which shows us to ourselves. It gives us a feeling that we exist, we are meaningful and substantial. When others listen to us carefully and with the presence of one hundred percent full containment and responds with verbal responses, body language, facial expressions, tone is hip than us, our being our existence. In this way we relax, our sense of security than we can afford to be who we are as people of all Khalkhin whole.

Listening is important in all relationships between people but particularly close relationships between people and connections between marital partners. Listening is important because the reality offers fertile ground for us to express our differences as human beings, the perception of our world, customs, our values, our beliefs, our thoughts, our emotions, our desires, etc. painkiller can cause friction and even disputes.

We need Lhksbto shares of other current events of our life in general, to all variety of our experiences emotions, both positive and negative.

Routine can raise various conflicts in relationships raise difficult emotions and cause conflicts, situations of stress that we want to unload. We want someone to listen to us give place to the feelings of anger, frustration, pain, disappointment, hurt, humiliation and more.

These feelings are sometimes unpleasant, even intolerable and we will seek every possible way to get rid of them and one common and easiest ways but also has the most negative consequences of these feelings is to throw the other to throw at accusations and criticism. This way of reacting to offensive and painful to others as well is its own offense and defense arguments Christians fighting Hmsirim people injured, painful and lonely.

Open and frank conversation between people can resolve the conflict as long as listening to a real world of second.

Typically, normal conversation came to resolve conflict and tension between spouses (or the other) each self, pain, injury or frustration of himself and wants only to make his words. As a result, flooding emotions difficult to really hear and understand the other's world. Sometimes, break it according to it, interrupt each other, increasing the voice and sometimes, to the shouts. In this way not really hear each other and certainly no longer understand each other. Finally, can develop into a fight or an argument that ends, often, breaking contact, ramshackle murky relationship, an atmosphere of anger, stress and frustration, pain and loneliness Cshanein original, in fact, caused the debate has not yet been resolved even worsened due to the efficient conversation.

Everybody understands even hear things from the world of himself, so his perspective, each left end with his interpretation of a world apart due to the unique, the experiences of the past, habits, values, beliefs and feelings which struck a more appropriate and right. Instead of expressing the pain, injury and frustration in his world everyone wants to change the other depending on the needs of himself and subdue it. The conversation turns into a power struggle, a battlefield that ultimately may come out more wounded.

We should remember that since each of the spouses is a world apart, separate and different, no right and right, better or worse but simply different.

The reason ordinary conversation can become a fight is that when immigrants of different complaints anger towards each other, the couple are experiencing it as an attack as a threat to the 'I' and then crush their warning in the brain (the ancient primitive brain in charge of defense and security) harbinger of any danger, real or emotional , the self.

As a result, each spouse responds to reactive behavior, survival automatically to protect itself, generally or by way of attack or escape. Therefore, such a conversation can be seen frequently, accusations, criticism, judgmental, insults, crying, or withdrawal silence.

Imaging approach, developed by Dr. Harwil Hendrix, offers dialogue where there was a different kind of listening - listening to the heart with full presence of the soul in the world of spouse.

For such dialogue to spouses or people who are in their relationship came about anger, conflict, tension, stress, disappointments and frustrations, pain, difficulties and problems.

One way of contact even basic, according to the image, is listening to the bride based on dialogue Htkoonoti.

Dialogue that the listener is running out of energy and directs special Htkoonotiot real listening to what comes to mind while back mirroring other words until the full hearing of all things. His world for dialogue term side seemed to come with an empty tank.

According to Hedy Schleifer (primiparity therapists Imaging, developed and expanded access to new places and concepts), this is just a ceremony, where one leaves the world, through the imaginary bridge that in their relationship came to visit the other's world.

Therefore, dialogue should be conducted only between the couple, pleasant environment, without interruption of phone calls, radio or television, and choose a convenient timing of the couple to be able to evacuate process and appeal for that energy physically and emotionally.

The couple sit on chairs facing each other, close to their knees touching, always keep eye contact. Without eye contact there is no connection at all. Eyes often they get good and loving. Possible and desirable to hold hands. Such physical proximity just developing, moving ears, see things in subtle body language interior landscape begins to flow in the energy relations are good, warm and soft.

To this process could be important to have mutual willingness of the couple meet the other's world while leaving the world of himself for a time and move to the second world out of curiosity, open heart, wide and loving, seeing and knowing the wounded boy, his pain and its sources. How amazing to see all the time when space has been well maintained relationships, safe and contains how the couple discover the context of their childhood wounds of the past difficulties and conflicts in their relationship in the present immigrants.

Hhtkoonotiot contrast reaction, that means, be aware of rising sense of threat and feelings of primitive brain physiological Nilo sense of danger but not to operate automatically from this world but to concentrate and focus on the second part of the new brain behind the frontal lobe, hear and understand the other's words. It is important to emphasize that this understanding is not necessarily agreement and acceptance of things.

Such a dialogue that has mirrored the bride and understanding shows I - there is, you - there is, contact - exist. The presence of the spouse or other such dialogue constitutes acceptance confirmation of my existence and being as I am. Sense of security, existence value immigrants as the spouse can be present in the world of hot and full containment second. That is, if it is a hot tank for the spouse or short, "Michm" (= hot tank).

This experience increases my own sense of security and space relationship between the couple. Energy becomes hot and good in this situation conflicts dissolve.

You should see the invitation to visit your partner the most intimate inner world fell at a great privilege. This special privilege to be the sole and unique person selected to be invited to meet the world's second depths.

In addition, it is also an important opportunity to improve relations in depth at the same time to allow growth and personal growth of each spouse.

Martin Buber, too, (as raised by Hedy Schleifer) in his book "I - you" made the argument that the existence of a sad man as a subject is created within the dialogue - while discourse with others. Discourse with someone who is building the person as a person spiritually. No single person is a fundamental fact of human existence but a person in connection with others. The point is not physical existence but crystallization of individual consciousness in order to contact and dialogue with someone else. Plato also said that the soul itself to meet the need to meet another soul.

Through dialogue that the couple learn how to create a different kind of listening, listening that brings a complete understanding, which creates a sense of mutual confidence and empathy. Dialogue solvent so that the conflicts by helping the couple get to the wounded from their childhood and understand the patterns of their defense and dealing, which led to marriage and which make them the pain, conflict and fighting between them. Dialogue partners are experiencing exciting new experiences, including as a result, created an atmosphere Brown's new, caring approach.

This process of introspection, while the bride and the couple each other, accepting the other, attention control, the presence of certain childhood wounds connection is very important in healing process of the couple's mutual. Is slow and give him the time.

As noted, such a dialogue is different from ordinary conversation and is intended only for situations of tension and conflict there between the spouses. This is not a question and answer conversation. Listening to the heart requires training and learning on the one hand, how to open the door to your world frankly and openly share the depths of your soul mate on the other hand, learn to control the presence of the spouse without judging it by the subjective world of your glasses.

This dialogue initially seems an artificial and technical difficulty and those which at first. Some just listen and try to remember words instead of being present reality as a result, the words had come to. Ostensibly, it has something restrictive but that's exactly what allows the recipient of frustration and hearing the other one hundred percent.

This process seems to me like a river with water of life clear, clean, running furiously flooded powerfully. If the banks of the river will be high and strong enough to limit the flow of water directed them in the right direction is likely that all these good water instead help bring life, flood the houses vegetation, the grazing and other marine animals, destroy everything and drown everything in their environment. But if banks limit the water and allow them to flow in all directions but in a particular direction, can be used, for drinking, irrigation, cleaning, etc. - meaning - of life.

Finally, listening to the heart is a skill you can develop it. Although it begins as a fake, like everything else new, but when she develops introverted way of life skill of giving full attendance with the bride and security, the connection becomes close and intimate, soft deeper revealed an entire world.

Canadian Men: Succeeding Relationships Tips

Accusing attitude

A woman blames the approach taken by her partner is a woman who always settles failure in its relations with men. Blame, criticism and power are closer in any way the men and women but rather daunting and keep him away.

Accusing attitude stems from the mind, fear, emotional pain of inferiority. It causes a woman to panic, we think the other critical false sense of moral superiority over man.

Righteousness, criticism, aggression, victims, hazards, our strength and demanding

Access to blame due to righteousness, an attempt to reduce the man, to weaken him, hurt him, control him and use the woman's functional purposes. This approach is not love, respect or appreciate, but technically only the empty access bruising and painful.

Men can not love a woman wallowing in sadness and pain of itself, distributed by Environment righteous anger, busy all day judicial dissatisfaction is not connected to a warm and positive feelings.

Caressing approach

Caressing approach stems from moving, internal heat, love and acceptance. Approach taken by a stroke is a woman self-confidence, positive woman, a woman is not running from my head but the heart, emotion and love.

A woman does not need to judge her man or wound him to get him love, attention or favors. All she needs is an approach stroke, positive, pleasant and not binding causes a man to please her, to feel good with it and feel the need to give her take it.

Access stroke is an approach that comes from a place of hedonism, indulgence, light and pleasant place of the good life. Caressing approach comes from a warm and loving feeling of cold and sharp rather than from the whole - and therefore very effective Blitzor communicate with man, Blhnia the man to do for the woman Ovlitzor positive atmosphere which is an incentive as a generous man by the woman.

Acceptance, love, positive, confident, good life hedonism

Access woman stroking is a woman could receive. It does not require - and precisely because she receives. She does not claim angrily - but she asks with a smile.

Tip end: a woman accuses a woman who does not know is to love because she does not give love. She gives a lot of effort, anger, rage and nerves and what it receives in return for this disregard, indifference, rejection and withdrawal. Actually a woman stroking gives warmth and love if she gets in return effortlessly heat, love, pleasure, admiration and appreciation.

Relationships Reinforcement: Keep it up!

Has always taught us to be independent. Taught us not give up. Taught us to be on our minds. Taught us to follow our parents' expectations. Educational excellence, to stand out among other children. Explain to us think we proceed in life. Succeed. Taught us to be the best in every field. Explained to us that competition is good and healthy. We adore the first company, the successful the strongest. So this sport, so it casts its light over our lives.

Each cultivated his ego. The ego feels, rightly or unfairly, he was responsible for the development of the human subject. Can not only strong, successful, best of all. Competitiveness, desire for excellence, persistence and receiving what you want and we have to yourself is a product of our society which we live today.

Did not teach us to share. Taught us to take all possible. Did not teach us to give. Taught us our desire (mine) is the most important and right. The desire of the other is not important, does not count, does not exist. My ego is the only one around.

Think about it? When seen or conscious person, every person you thought he was good of you, you wise, smart of you, than you should be with a woman.'s Always in the denial, the reasons, the reason why I deserve more. Why am I clever / smart / successful other. This mechanism protects us. "If I am not me, who I" is an expression of our reality and fold profit in it the essence of the ego. Of ourselves.

What happens when ego meets another ego? Another in a relationship should be collaborative? Designed for two, not just one. System where your will, your requirements are not only two of your own. A couple that you appreciate your partner as much by yourself. System of education we received contrary. Education merge into us. What has become "second nature" our.

Suddenly you're in a non competitive. You do not need to impress the other, not competing in it, not contrary to it. A system where two mutually appreciate each other. Work together and enjoy more sense to give than to sense reception.

There is no magic solutions. I just do not. Way I could have bid to ensure a good marriage. Marriage is a decision where there is no room for ego. Decision open relationship partner's wishes are open at least your own wishes. A place where tranquility is the essence and "being right and proper and wise". A place where you give your ego a rest. Give yourself a rest. Depositor yourself by the other. A place of serenity you alone, where the spin of fear and doubt be available in our lives constantly. Place of real joy arising from parity.

A place of pure happiness independent of your ego or her. Moreover, contrary to your ego or her. Contrary to individual, merges togetherness.

You got there? You couplehood sharing, good, relaxed. The true relationship of your life. Relationship based on partnership and a lot of little ego.

I mate for life we got there.

Canadian Proposal Heavy Hitters: Story

My familiarity with mattresses stores in general and in particular a mattress Bisco occurred by chance. It all started when my partner and daughter last four years, we lay on the creaking double bed we received from her parents somehow got to talking about marriage proposals. This was one of those conversations where you are not sure if you get hints very thick or just imagining. Women should understand that we, men, do not understand hints. No subtle hints, no hints or clues to the size of the Great Wall of China. Sometimes we guess it goes well, but it's not something you can build on.

Anyway, I interpreted that conversation as a clue. Something in the style of "We're already four years together, I somehow managed to get used to and I have no power now to start getting used to someone new, then do something and close this story.

Very nice - Mattress Bisco

The problem in this conversation was Saturday my partner, almost as usual, expressed an opinion complicating me even more. She claimed she thought the custom to offer a marriage with a ring is just a social habit that stupid people perform like robots and do not think for a moment out of the box.

"Oh dear" I thought. "Not enough that I should propose marriage, I also have to think outside the box? What was wrong with the box? Who said outside the box has better conditions?".

I got terrible anxieties. Nights turned on what should be a double bed but functioned more nightmare of the downstairs neighbors. Every time my partner went into Saturday I tried to do everything to avoid discussing this topic of concern will again. One night I lay on my bed, thinking thoughts, and I heard her walking from the living room to the bedroom. Immediately I grabbed the magazine that was lying at her side in bed and pretended to read about.

"Since when do you call the good life magazine, Bobby?" She asked me a suspicious tone.

"Constant", I lied. "It's very reassuring me, I can read it for hours.

"Well," she giggled, "I will continue with my book.

I got into, now that I should continue with this performance that she go to sleep. Having no choice, I started reading the magazine really that dull. When I'm with eyes half closed I Bisco article on the new mattress arrived at stores in premium mattresses. In a second head had a great idea.

A double bed instead of a ring

Mattress Bisco new double bed. So I suggest surprise the love marriage. I'll take a day to turn in all kinds of mattresses in shops, Diagnose, Amss, check prices Oafnk it (in fact the two of us) with a new bed so we need, and a mattress that he "works of art Orthopedics" (or so it said in a magazine of the good life ... ). I left, my idea of happy and even more the fact that I could get rid of intrusive thoughts I had recently.

Outside the box

Round of six stores in five hours was enough mattresses. I've heard her lecture on a mattress Bisco so many times before I remembered all the details by heart. We chose a double bed with mattress glory whiskey Newest released this year. I verified with the bed mattress store Saturday morning my partner will be at work. They stood to their word, so it was. I got the new mattress bed, sprinkled on the petals forming the words: "Will you marry me?". Saturday my partner returned from work tired destroyed all she wanted was to lie down in bed. When she entered the room disappeared all fatigue gave way to a huge grin from ear to ear.

"Of course I do" she replied with tears streaming down her tiny cheek. "But not at the wedding standard and banal. We need to think outside the box ...".